What do you think of my Health Care plan?
Just putting my opinion out there
Cap corporate earnings of big pharma and insurance companies.
Put the overflow back into Medicare and Medicade and the VA and some into research since the whole point of drugs and insurance are to help the people in the first place.
Regulate the insurance companies insurance premiums. Why does aetna need a 7 billion dollar profit?
Stop funding retired politicians for life. If they weren't smart enough to save for retirement then they weren't smart enough to be in office in the first place.
Put that money back into Social Security to recover what Obama stole. Start with his salary.
Non-US Citizens get to pay full price no free rides.
Prision inmates get their medical needs paid for by their families...that's what you get for raising criminals.
Dont fine people for not having coverages they dont need.
If you're paying into a plan you're covered no matter what the medical condition is. Preexisting, sex change, abortion who cares its nobody's business.
The only free (given the need) or discounted tuition there should be is for nurses and premed students in their home states and they have to work ex amount of years in those home states. Specialists and advanced education you pay for.
Hospitals should also be either non profit or capped and should stop over charging for everything. Every hospital no matter where you go...same price same coverage.
See solved... #draintheswamp
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