Should Br Creos be returned to Kolkata, India?

2 votes
0% / 0 votes
Yes, let's get rid of him
0% / 0 votes
Yes, he needs it for his salvation
50% / 1 vote
Yes, we want him in Kolkata
0% / 0 votes
Yes, Kolkata is his home
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
No, He belongs in Australia
0% / 0 votes
No, He must suffer more
0% / 0 votes
No, He is a nobody so not my business
0% / 0 votes
No, he is no good for anything
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
Maybe, I don not care
0% / 0 votes
Maybe, it is up to God's will
50% / 1 vote

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