Which Lost Episodes Are The Most Annoying?

7 votes
Jack and his daddy issues and his "I gotta save everyone" poor tortured leader episodes
29% / 2 votes
Michael and his "walt! walt! walt!" annoying-ness
29% / 2 votes
Sun and Jin are in love, oh they fight, oh theyre in love
0% / 0 votes
Hurley does something stupid like driving a car and thinking about his family
0% / 0 votes
Sawyer pulls yet another long con on some good/bad guys
0% / 0 votes
Claire and "the baybee, the baybee" bizness
14% / 1 vote
Kate and her on the run, weepy weepy family drama
0% / 0 votes
Random Character Random Episode, like Rose and Bernard or the ridiculous jewel thief lovers
0% / 0 votes
All of these are annoying
29% / 2 votes
None of these are annoying.
0% / 0 votes

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