At Thorpe Park (If You Have Been), Which Ride Do You Think Is The Best? Be Honest Please + The Answers Are In Alphabetical Order.

4 votes
Canada Express!
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
-------------------- Other --------------------
0% / 0 votes
Log Ride (whatver that was called...)!
25% / 1 vote
Nemisis Inferno!
0% / 0 votes
No Way Out 'X'!
0% / 0 votes
Pizza Hut/Cafe Nero/other food places (Please specify)!
0% / 0 votes
Rapids (Whatever they were called...)!
0% / 0 votes
Rocky Express/Tea Cups/merry-go-round/other small circuits!
0% / 0 votes
Saw IV!
0% / 0 votes
25% / 1 vote
The Shop!
25% / 1 vote
Tidal Wave!
25% / 1 vote

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