Who is going to win the 2009 Lites Super X title?

22 votes
Matt Ryan
0% / 0 votes
Ryan Marmont
9% / 2 votes
Brendan Harrison
0% / 0 votes
Josh Cachia
18% / 4 votes
Luke George
0% / 0 votes
Lawson Bopping
0% / 0 votes
Luke Arbon
14% / 3 votes
Matt Moss
27% / 6 votes
Jason Reed
5% / 1 vote
Kirk Gibbs
0% / 0 votes
Lewis Woods
5% / 1 vote
Dean Ferris
14% / 3 votes
Mitch Hoad
0% / 0 votes
Lewis Stewart
5% / 1 vote
Cody Mackie
0% / 0 votes
Mike Alessi
5% / 1 vote
0% / 0 votes

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