Who is the best in the WWE (Superstars not Divas)

2 votes
John Cena
0% / 0 votes
Randy Orton
0% / 0 votes
Jeff Hardy
50% / 1 vote
John Morrison
50% / 1 vote
0% / 0 votes
Big Show
0% / 0 votes
Chris Jericho
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
Matt Hardy
0% / 0 votes
Evan Bourne
0% / 0 votes
Ted Dibiase
0% / 0 votes
Cody Rhodes
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
The Great Khali
0% / 0 votes
Jack Swagger
0% / 0 votes
Mark Henry
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes

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