menUruT U claSS KniGhT tuH YG terkuaT pa G siH ??

0 votes
-yeP , U righT (n_n)
0% / 0 votes
-No, I think scouT is the besT
0% / 0 votes
-U wronG priEsT is the gOOd THINK for mE,,:D
0% / 0 votes
-U aLL wronG , magEciaN is The BasT froM aLL >.
0% / 0 votes
-what are U aL insanE ,,oF course rogue is THE BEST!!!
0% / 0 votes
-thaTs whAT U aL thiNK ,,buT me , warIoR stiLL thE BesT
0% / 0 votes
-hahaha,, U aLL riGht ,buT ThaTs aLL
0% / 0 votes
depends on the ability of each character in the use
0% / 0 votes

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