Which need should receive the 553 dollar donation? Vote by December 7th.

16 votes
Malaika Malaria Project
13% / 2 votes
Mechanizing a Borehole in Ghana
0% / 0 votes
Spring Well - Rural Health Care Foundation
0% / 0 votes
Harkita Water Project
6% / 1 vote
COYIDA Goat Project
0% / 0 votes
Goat Rearing Small Scale Business in Kenya
0% / 0 votes
Onura Primary School
0% / 0 votes
Uganda Cow Project - Third Phase
19% / 3 votes
UVP Well Number 11
6% / 1 vote
Kids with Knowledge (KWK) Karambi Maternity Ward
0% / 0 votes
Piggery Demonstration Project
6% / 1 vote
UVP - Eye Repair and Rehabilitation
19% / 3 votes
UVP - Malnutrition Education and Workshops
6% / 1 vote
UVP - Subsidized Mosquito Nets
0% / 0 votes
UVP - Obstetric Fistula Repair for Women
0% / 0 votes
UVP - Latrine Coverage and Sanitation
25% / 4 votes
GEHI - Poly Tank
0% / 0 votes
Lifewater Community Church Water Well
0% / 0 votes

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