If you were to write the script for the next catastrophe movie to top "2012", what would be the plot?

2 votes
Milky Way is about to be wiped off the face of the universe in 2016. A few brave souls manage to escape the inferno by revamping a deLorean as a time machine and go back to 25 A.D.
0% / 0 votes
Starts like the previous plot but the survivors grab Jesus and take him along back to the future in 2015 to negotiate a new lease on Earth. When they return, all the hell breaks loose on whether he really is who he is and whether he could deal on behalf o
0% / 0 votes
2007 predictions of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change come true. There is no ark or a time machine to save the world. Inhabitants of earth start fighting all-out wars per GBN scenario prepared for US Department of Defense in 2003.
100% / 2 votes

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