You are given a box with a red button and the instruction - "Press this button, and two things will happen: 1)Somewhere on this planet somebody you don't know will die. 2)You will receive $25,000 after each press"

4 votes
I would not press the button. I'd put it away in some safe place.
0% / 0 votes
I'd take it apart to see how it works
75% / 3 votes
Keep pressing it as an answer to overpopulation
0% / 0 votes
Be very scared of it, and stand guard to make sure nobody tries anything. Possibly try to smash it to pieces.
0% / 0 votes
I'd ignore it as some lame joke... or possibly laugh at it.
0% / 0 votes
I don't know how many, how many times can a button be pressed in two hours?
0% / 0 votes
It's obviously just a gameshow trick. Keep pressing it as long as possible, because you'll be rich and there's no way that a box with button can kill anyone.
25% / 1 vote
I'd press it once.
0% / 0 votes
I'd press it two or three times.
0% / 0 votes
I'd press it 40 times, so I'd have a million dollars.
0% / 0 votes

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