What is your Most Wanted Game for 2010?

251 votes
0% / 0 votes
Alan Wake
1% / 3 votes
Alien vs Predator
4% / 9 votes
Aliens: Colonial Marines
2% / 5 votes
APB: All Points Bulletin
0% / 1 vote
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
3% / 8 votes
0% / 1 vote
BioShock 2
3% / 8 votes
1% / 2 votes
0% / 0 votes
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
0% / 0 votes
Crackdown 2
1% / 2 votes
Dante's Inferno
1% / 3 votes
2% / 4 votes
DC Universe Online
1% / 3 votes
Deus Ex 3
0% / 1 vote
Diablo III
1% / 2 votes
EA Sports Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
0% / 1 vote
Fable III
4% / 11 votes
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
0% / 0 votes
Final Fantasy XIII
15% / 37 votes
God of War 3
4% / 10 votes
Golden Sun DS
0% / 1 vote
Gran Turismo 5
8% / 19 votes
Halo: Reach
6% / 16 votes
Heavy Rain
2% / 6 votes
Lost Planet 2
0% / 1 vote
MAG: Massive Action Game
1% / 2 votes
Mass Effect 2
4% / 11 votes
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
1% / 2 votes
Metal Gear Solid: Rising
3% / 7 votes
Metroid: Other M
1% / 2 votes
ModNation Racers
0% / 1 vote
1% / 2 votes
Need For Speed World Online
2% / 4 votes
New Zelda
3% / 8 votes
Phantasy Star Zero
0% / 1 vote
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
Red Steel 2
0% / 0 votes
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
1% / 3 votes
Resident Evil PSP
2% / 4 votes
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo
0% / 1 vote
Splinter Cell Conviction
4% / 11 votes
Star Wars: The Old Republic
4% / 9 votes
Starcraft II
0% / 1 vote
Super Mario Galaxy 2
2% / 5 votes
The Agency
0% / 0 votes
The Last Guardian
0% / 0 votes
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
3% / 7 votes
Other - Tell us below!
6% / 16 votes

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