What feature would you most like to see in our 2010 YTC website make-over?

23 votes
A Carrot Club Members Only section with printable coupons
43% / 10 votes
A section for Carrot Lover testimonials
9% / 2 votes
A site intro incorporating movement, videos or sound
4% / 1 vote
A mini-forum for Carrot Lovers to post Q&A
0% / 0 votes
A page that searches for stores by zip code or city/state search).
4% / 1 vote
A section with photos of production Start to Finish, & Charity Events
4% / 1 vote
A section for giveaways or special promotions
26% / 6 votes
A featured "product of the month" section, with customer feedback
4% / 1 vote
Stylistically rendered icons instead of text
4% / 1 vote

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