Which is your favourite Prophecy release of 2009?

98 votes
Arctic Plateau: On A Sad Sunny Day
14% / 14 votes
Autumnblaze: Perdition Diaries
3% / 3 votes
Autumnblaze: DämmerElbenTragödie (re-release)
2% / 2 votes
Dornenreich: Nachtreisen
13% / 13 votes
Drautran: Unter dem Banner der Nordwinde (re-release)
1% / 1 vote
Farsot: 042103freitod (re-release)
4% / 4 votes
GeŃ—st: Galeere
4% / 4 votes
Helrunar: Grátr (re-release)
3% / 3 votes
Klimt1918: Ghost Of A Tape Listener EP
3% / 3 votes
Les Discrets / Alcest: Split-EP
30% / 29 votes
Neun Welten: Destrunken
5% / 5 votes
Secrets Of The Moon: Privilegivm
14% / 14 votes
Subaudition: Light On The Path
3% / 3 votes

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