What is your favorite Bikram yoga posture?

37 votes
Half Moon Pose with Hands to Feet Pose
5% / 2 votes
Awkward Pose
5% / 2 votes
Eagle Pose
3% / 1 vote
Standing Head to Knee
3% / 1 vote
Standing Bow Pulling Pose
16% / 6 votes
Balancing Stick
5% / 2 votes
Standing Separate Leg Stretching
0% / 0 votes
8% / 3 votes
Standing Forehead to Knee
0% / 0 votes
Tree Pose and Toe Stand
8% / 3 votes
Wind-Removing Pose
0% / 0 votes
3% / 1 vote
3% / 1 vote
Full Locust
0% / 0 votes
Floor Bow
3% / 1 vote
Fixed Firm
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
16% / 6 votes
8% / 3 votes
Separate Leg Stretching and Seated Forward Bend
0% / 0 votes
Spine Twist
8% / 3 votes
5% / 2 votes

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