You need a hair line to wear the Cru-Cut knitwear look.
I'm tellin' ya Ned. Someday there's gonna to be a 'no smoking' policy on the trade-show floor and we're not gonna be able to enjoy these fine Cuban Cigars...
The owners of Cru-Cut Knitwear pass around cigars celebrating being bought out by the Comb-Over Brothers.
If this rag gig peters out I'm going to open an auto parts store with my brothers Moe and Jack.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Cru-Cut Knitwear would like to thank our biggest fan, Grouch Marx.
I hate having my picture taken boss, why do we have to do this? Just smile George. It’s our best customer, they love CAMEX and their wives will be around later and spend lots of $$.
We can sell these for how much!?
OOPS I think there is a typo on the sign, shouldn’t it read 'Cru-Cut KnitWIT Corp.'?
Hey, fellas (chuckle, chuckle), Homer just suggested the next big thing will be imprinted t-shirts. What a kidder!