Sizce Aşağıdakilerden En Güzel Finish Hangisidir?

35 votes
1.619(Rey Mysterio)
49% / 17 votes
2.Twist of Fate(Jeff-Matt Hardy)
3% / 1 vote
3.Swantan Bomb(Jeff Hardy)
17% / 6 votes
4.Code Breaker(Chris Jericho)
3% / 1 vote
5.Tomstontone(The Undertaker)
14% / 5 votes
6.Sweet Chin Music(Shawn Michaels)
3% / 1 vote
7.Pedirgee(Triple -H)
0% / 0 votes
8.F-U ME(John Cena)
6% / 2 votes
9.RKO(Randy Orton)
0% / 0 votes
10.Chokeslam(The Undertaker-Kane-Big Show)
0% / 0 votes
11.Batista Bomb(Batista)
3% / 1 vote
12.Go To Sleep(C M P U N K )
3% / 1 vote
13.Spear(Edge-Batista-Big Show)
0% / 0 votes
14.Khali Bomb(Khali)
0% / 0 votes
15.Bİg BOOT(Kane)
0% / 0 votes

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