Q: Do Wiccans believe in God?

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A: The belief of most Witches is that "God" is a supreme force which is genderless. This image is hard to picture
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in the mind's eye. Therefore, in order to create an image that is easy to imagine and relate to, the Wiccan pictures
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a God and a Goddess as their source of worship. Just as there are male and female in most of nature's creatures, so is there also a male and a female God in the Wiccan religion. The male God of Wicca has been named many
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different names and according to the different traditions of Witchcraft. Some of the names are: Cernunnos, Pan,
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Faunus and Osiris. Different names by which the Goddess is known by are: Aradia, Isis, Diana and Cerridwen.
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Some Witches prefer to generalize by calling them "Lord and Lady", or simply "God and Goddess". The
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nighttime and moon are attributes of the Goddess. The sun is associated with the God, hence the terms "Moon
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Goddess" and "Sun God". The Witch decides upon the image of the supreme being or God and Goddess with
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whom they feel communication flows most easily.
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