Isu manakah yang paling penting buat anda? / Which of the following concerns you most?

42 votes
1) Pendidikan/Education
21% / 9 votes
2) Peluang pekerjaan / Employment opportunities
26% / 11 votes
3) Peluang perniagaan / Business opportunities or ease of doing business
17% / 7 votes
4) Perumahan (kemudahan pinjaman dll) / Housing (access to loans etc)
2% / 1 vote
5) Kos sara hidup / Cost of living
24% / 10 votes
6) Keselamatan (kadar jenayah rendah) / Security (low crime rate)
2% / 1 vote
7) Pengangkutan awam / Public transport
5% / 2 votes
8) Healthcare / Khidmat kesihatan atau perubatan
2% / 1 vote

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