If your adult sibling stole and used one of your credit cards (for the second time), with every intention of continuing to use it if he/she did not get caught, and then never bothered to apologize or show any remorse for what he/she did, what is the appro

0 votes
A) Report him/her to the credit card fraud service that contacted you concerning the fraudulent charges.
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B) Forgive and forget - life's too short.
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C) Stand strong. Don't report him/her, but don't talk to him/her, either. He/she needs to learn SOME kind of lesson.
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D) Confrontation at its finest - call him/her and straight up ask why he/she hasn't apologized and it's been over a month since the incident. Maybe yell a little.
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E) Forget about it for now - but don't forgive. Your relationship has been irrevocably altered.
0% / 0 votes

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