Under 25 25-35 35-45 45-60 60-over
Labor Coalition Greens Independent Swinging Voter
3. Do you contribute to any NGO
YES-Environmental Organisations YES-Social Justice YES-Advocacy NO
4. What level of education have you attained
High School Undergraduate Postgraduate TAFE/Apprenticeship
5. Are you opposed to all forms of whaling (scientific and commercial)?
6. Where do you draw your information on whaling from?
Television Newspaper Academic Journal Government Media Releases
NGO Publications Other (please specify)___________________________
7. Do you actively seek out information
8. What has influenced your opinion on whaling?
Media Family Politicians/Government Publication
Other (please specify) _________________________________________
9. Are you opposed to the culling of overpopulated species that is designed to ensure that future generations of that species have a high quality eco-system to live in?
10. Can you name any species that this policy applies to?
YES (Please specify)___________________________________________________
11. Do you believe that economic reasoning is a good enough justification to allow the exploitation of natural resources?
12. Do you believe that economic reasoning is a good enough justification to allow the decimation and eradication of natural resources?
13. Do you support the actions, including ramming and boarding boats, of anti-whaling advocates in combating Japanese whalers in Australian and Antarctic waters?
14. Do you believe that Australia’s position in international and environmental relations with the rest of the world makes us unique in dealing with whales
YES-We have a greater responsibility to do something YES-Our relationship with Asia means that we shouldn’t act NO-We are in the same position as the rest of the anti-whaling states
15. Do you believe the government is doing enough to combat whaling?
16. Have you communicated this opinion to anyone?
Media Politician NGO Other NO
17. What would you have the government do?
Stop Japanese whaling vessels entering Australian waters Fire on Japanese whaling vessels
Take Japan to an International Court Other___________________________________
18. Do you believe that Australia’s economic relationship with Japan is more important than Australia’s protection of whales (please justify if necessary)?