Is God real?

2 votes
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If God is omniscient then even before we are born God will have complete knowledge of every decision we are going to make.Any apparent choice we make regarding the acceptance or denial of Jesus as a savior is predetermined. This must be true to satisfy th
100% / 2 votes
E(wager for God) = ∞*p + f1*(1 − p) = ∞ and not believing is E(wager against God) = f2*p + f3*(1 − p), so you're wagering a finite amount against an infinite amount, so it is better to believe God exists.
0% / 0 votes
If there was a third option on Pascal's Wager, say an evil God, then you are wagering eternal damnation.. It's probably better to have a good life and not worry about what's coming if that could possibly be the case. (Apatheist view)
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