1. A SAS/IntrNet based application to enhance the efficiency and productivity of a company
2. An Introduction to SAS® Hash Programming Techniques
3. Analyzing Social Media Tweets with SAS
4. Automating the Installation and Operational Qualifications of Your SAS Applications with the SAS System
5. Automation of ‘makefile’ for use in clinical development
6. Developing a customizable and flexible multi-user web application with SAS/IntrNet
7. Developing Applications with Web Services
8. Essential project management reports in clinical development
10. Generalized Approach to Business Intelligence Application Development with Base SAS
11. Get a Grip on Macros in Just 50 Minutes!
12. How To Use Proc SQL select into for List Processing
13. Integrated SAS Edit Checks with EDC systems
14. Listening to the Voice of the Customer when Deploying Your Application: Using SAS© and Design Methodologies to Create a Pleasing User Installation Experience
15. Managing Systems Projects with ClinAction
16. Point-and-Click Programming Using SAS® Enterprise Guide®
17. Query Creation Wizards using SAS INTRNET
18. Reusable Programs and List Processing: Concepts and Development, Techniques and Tools
19. SAS 9.3 Developing SAS Applications
20. SAS Mobile Applications
21. Seamless Dynamic Web Reporting with SAS
22. Seamless Web Data Entry for SAS Applications
24. Strategies for Developing and Delivering an Effective Online SAS® Programming Course
25. Using SAS® Output Delivery System (ODS) Markup to Generate Custom Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
26. Yes! SAS® ExcelXP WILL NOT Create a Microsoft Excel® Graph; But SAS Users Can Command Microsoft Excel® to Automatically Create Graphs From SAS® ExcelXP Output.