Who's your favorite Doctor Who?

4,398 votes
William Hartnell 1963-1966
1% / 35 votes
Patrick Troughton 1966-1969
1% / 61 votes
Jon Pertwee 1970-1974
2% / 102 votes
Tom Baker 1974 - 1981
10% / 455 votes
Peter Davison 1982-1984
1% / 65 votes
Colin Baker 1984-1986
0% / 13 votes
Sylvester McCoy 1987-1989
1% / 41 votes
Paul McGann - 1996
0% / 18 votes
Christopher Eccleston - 2005
6% / 271 votes
David Tennant 2005 - 2010
59% / 2,575 votes
Matt Smith - The Eleventh Doctor
17% / 762 votes

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