Holy Shit, it's a dragon, what would you use it slay it?

41 votes
2% / 1 vote
12% / 5 votes
Unicorn Hornz
0% / 0 votes
Spell casting powers
0% / 0 votes
Run it over with a BIGGER DRAGON
29% / 12 votes
Completely destroy it with YOUR PINKY
7% / 3 votes
Don't kill it, but then you eat it later.
0% / 0 votes
Just don't kill it, then you'll be king of the dragon peepz
2% / 1 vote
Throw Santa at it
29% / 12 votes
Become it's best friend instead
12% / 5 votes
Other, If other comment what you would do, if it's one of the above click the link to vote.
5% / 2 votes

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