What is your political position on same-sex marriage? (Read all options: they're pretty specific)

1 vote
Support same access and rights to marriage as mixed-sex couples
0% / 0 votes
Support w/reservations only about protection for churches
100% / 1 vote
Support w/reservations only about adoption
0% / 0 votes
Support w/reservations about adoption, protection for churches, etc
0% / 0 votes
Support civil unions w/full rights as long as it's not called marriage
0% / 0 votes
Support civil unions with limitations for adoption
0% / 0 votes
Support civil unions w/various limitations
0% / 0 votes
Support financial and medical rights but not civil unions
0% / 0 votes
Support no benefits for same-sex partnerships
0% / 0 votes
Support criminalizing homosexual partnership
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes

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