What was your favorite level/world from any Kirby game? (REMAKES' CLASSIC LEVELS NOT INCLUDED!)

1 vote
Green Greens (Kirby's Dream Land)
0% / 0 votes
Castle Lololo (Kirby's Dream Land)
0% / 0 votes
Float Islands (Kirby's Dream Land)
0% / 0 votes
Bubbly Clouds (Kirby's Dream Land)
0% / 0 votes
Mt. Dedede (Kirby's Dream Land)
0% / 0 votes
Grassland (Kriby's Dream Land 2)
0% / 0 votes
Forest (Kirby's Dream Land 2)
0% / 0 votes
Ripple Field (Kirby's Dream Land 2)
0% / 0 votes
Iceland (Kirby's Dream Land 2)
0% / 0 votes
Red Canyon (Kirby's Dream Land 2)
0% / 0 votes
Cloudy Park (Kirby's Dream Land 2)
0% / 0 votes
Castle Dedede (Kirby's Dream Land 2)
0% / 0 votes
Pinball Table 1 (Kirby's Pinball Land)
0% / 0 votes
Pinball Table 2 (Kirby's Pinball Land)
0% / 0 votes
Pinball Table 3 (Kirby's Pinball Land)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 1 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 2 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 3 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 4 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 5 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 6 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 7 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 8 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 9 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 10 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Stage 11 (Kirby's Block Ball)
0% / 0 votes
Normal (Kirby's Star Stacker)
0% / 0 votes
Hard (Kirby's Star Stacker)
0% / 0 votes
Very Hard (Kirby's Star Stacker)
0% / 0 votes
Super Hard (Kirby's Star Stacker)
0% / 0 votes
Insane (Kirby's Star Stacker)
0% / 0 votes
Vegetable Valley (Kirby's Adventure)
0% / 0 votes
Ice Cream Island (Kirby's Adventure)
0% / 0 votes
Butter Building (Kirby's Adventure)
0% / 0 votes
Grape Garden (Kirby's Adventure)
0% / 0 votes
Yogurt Yard (Kirby's Adventure)
0% / 0 votes
Orange Ocean (Kirby's Adventure)
0% / 0 votes
Rainbow Resort (Kirby's Adventure)
0% / 0 votes
Fountain of Dreams (Kirby's Adventure)
0% / 0 votes
Grass Land (Kirby's Dream Land 3)
0% / 0 votes
Ripple Field (Kirby's Dream Land 3)
0% / 0 votes
Sand Canyon (Kirby's Dream Land 3)
0% / 0 votes
Cloudy Park (Kirby's Dream Land 3)
0% / 0 votes
Iceberg (Kirby's Dream Land 3)
0% / 0 votes
Hyper Zone (Kirby's Dream Land 3)
0% / 0 votes
BS Kirby no Omatya Bako Baseball (No levels featured, Japan only release)
0% / 0 votes
Spring Breeze (Kirby Super Star)
0% / 0 votes
Dyna Blade (Kirby Super Star)
0% / 0 votes
The Great Cave Offensive (Kirby Super Star)
0% / 0 votes
Gourmet Race (Kirby Super Star)
0% / 0 votes
Revenge of Meta Knight (Kirby Super Star)
0% / 0 votes
Milky Way Wishes (Kirby Super Star)
0% / 0 votes
The Arena (Kirby Super Star)
0% / 0 votes
Waddle Dee (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Bronto Burt (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Waddle Doo (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Poppy Bros. Sr. (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Whispy Woods (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Kabu (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Broom Hatter (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Squishy (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Lololo and Lalala (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Bugzzy (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Paint Roller (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Heavy Mole (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Kracko (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Meta Knight (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
King Dedede (Kirby's Avelanche)
0% / 0 votes
Course 1 (Kirby's Dream Course)
0% / 0 votes
Course 2 (Kirby's Dream Course)
0% / 0 votes
Course 3 (Kirby's Dream Course)
0% / 0 votes
Course 4 (Kirby's Dream Course)
0% / 0 votes
Course 5 (Kirby's Dream Course)
0% / 0 votes
Course 6 (Kirby's Dream Course)
0% / 0 votes
Course 7 (Kirby's Dream Course)
0% / 0 votes
Course 8 (Kirby's Dream Course)
0% / 0 votes
Pop Star (Kirby 64)
0% / 0 votes
Rock Star (Kirby 64)
0% / 0 votes
Aqua Star (Kirby 64)
0% / 0 votes
Neo Star (Kirby 64)
0% / 0 votes
Shiver Star (Kirby 64)
0% / 0 votes
Ripple Star (Kirby 64)
0% / 0 votes
Dark Star (Kirby 64)
0% / 0 votes
Happy Star (Kirby 64)
0% / 0 votes
Rainbow Route (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Moonlit Mansion (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Cabbage Cavern (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Mustard Mountain (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Carrot Castle (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Olive Ocean (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Peppermint Palace (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Raddish Ruins (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Candy Constelation (Kirby's Amazing Mirror)
0% / 0 votes
Kirby Slide (e-Reader game, only 1 level long)
0% / 0 votes
Fantasy Meadows (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Celestial Valley (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Sky Sands (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Frozen Hillside (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Magma Flows (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Beanstalk Park (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Machine Passage (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Checker Knights (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Grass (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Sand (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Sky (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Fire (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Light (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Water (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Metal (Kirby's Air Ride)
0% / 0 votes
Reddy Land (Kirby: Canvas Curse)
0% / 0 votes
Arange Gorge (Kirby: Canvas Curse)
0% / 0 votes
Lello Adventure (Kirby: Canvas Curse)
0% / 0 votes
Neo Greo (Kirby: Canvas Curse)
0% / 0 votes
Bloo Hills (Kirby: Canvas Curse)
0% / 0 votes
Omarine Zone (Kirby: Canvas Curse)
0% / 0 votes
Wonder Lilane (Kirby: Canvas Curse)
0% / 0 votes
The World of Drawcia (Kirby: Canvas Curse)
0% / 0 votes
Kirby Squeak Squad Level (I couldn't find a list)
0% / 0 votes
Dedede's Revenge (Kirby Super Star Ultra)
0% / 0 votes
Meta Knightmare Ultra (Kirby Super Star Ultra)
0% / 0 votes
Helper to Hero (Kirby Super Star Ultra)
100% / 1 vote
The True Arena (Kirby Super Star Ultra)
0% / 0 votes
Any boss fight minigame.
0% / 0 votes
Any minigame.
0% / 0 votes
Any Smash Bros. Course.
0% / 0 votes

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