We love competitions and want to make sure you love the prizes we offer. Please let us know the prize that you'd most like to receive? Hopefully we'll run a competition later in the year to win one of the fantastic selections.

82 votes
Spa day for you and 3 friends
24% / 20 votes
£100 to spend at a retail outlet
21% / 17 votes
Lunch for you and a friend at a celebrity restaurant
6% / 5 votes
Music concert tickets
2% / 2 votes
Theatre tickets
1% / 1 vote
Designer handbag worth £300
10% / 8 votes
Room/ Garden make-over
6% / 5 votes
5% / 4 votes
Ladies race day tickets
0% / 0 votes
12 month gym membership
12% / 10 votes
Family photoshoot
7% / 6 votes
A girls' night out for you and 2 of your friends
5% / 4 votes

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