We are glad to announce that Patch 5309 & 5310 have been released. So which CO new features do you like best?

388 votes
1. Level 3 & 4 Houses Upgrade
15% / 58 votes
2. Team PK Tournament: team up with your friends!
14% / 54 votes
3. New Boss: Snow Banshee,Sword Master
14% / 53 votes
4. Character Renaming
13% / 52 votes
5. Garment Swap: Garment Shop Keeper (Market 200,0179)
15% / 58 votes
6. You are now able to stack restorative items, up to 5 per space.
19% / 74 votes
7. Memory Agate: record 10 locations, and teleport you to them.
10% / 39 votes

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