(Ages 20+) Identify the answer that most closely describes your epistemological point of view (i.e. your answer to the question of how we can gain any knowledge if in fact we can)?

4 votes
Divine Revelation (Revelation from God is the primary and/or only way of gaining true and certain knowledge)
0% / 0 votes
Rationalist/Platonist (The world experienced by our senses is illusory, but we can gain true knowledge of reality through innate logical ideas in the mind)
25% / 1 vote
Positivist (We can gain certain knowledge of the universe, but only through the empirical sciences and mathematics, i.e. only scientific knowledge counts as knowledge)
0% / 0 votes
Non-Positivistic Empiricist (all of our knowledge is gained through sense experience, but this can include religious/moral/asthetic experience in addition to basic facts gained by empirical observation)
25% / 1 vote
Moderately skeptical (we can have some probable knowledge of the universe, but no certitude)
50% / 2 votes
Complete skeptic (we have no real knowledge of anything)
0% / 0 votes

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