Help us choose Winner of ONE YEAR FREE Republica Drinking Chocolate. Cast your vote by 5pm today

29 votes
1. How I adore my chocolate, a sweet and comforting hug for me. And now, Republica Drinking Chocolate – how much fairer can life be? A silky and luxurious chocky drink, and my conscience remains free! So pass me the cup, and let me sip heartily. I can h
24% / 7 votes
2. Coffee and Chocolate the best of the addictive things in life!
24% / 7 votes
3. I eat it till I’m about to burst, If asked to drink anything else… I rather die of thirst
3% / 1 vote
4. I’d bathe in it if I didn’t have to clean, But to win a year of República® Choc… a choco-holics DREAM!
21% / 6 votes
5. I love chocolate cause its everything I wish my hubby was; rich, sweet, doesn’t argue with me and comes in assorted varieties to suit my mood.
28% / 8 votes

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