Waar gaan we heen? 23 of 30 december? (alleen reageren als je uitgenodigd bent)

8 votes
- Yume --> sushi restaurant, (http://www.restaurantyume.nl/)
0% / 0 votes
- Finnegans (http://www.finnegans.nl/home.php)
50% / 4 votes
- Ramblas (http://www.restaurantramblas.nl/)
0% / 0 votes
- Bogarts (http://www.humphreys.nl/)
0% / 0 votes
- Röntgen Café (http://www.rontgencafe.nl/)
13% / 1 vote
- Babbel (http://www.babbelapeldoorn.nl/)
0% / 0 votes
- Manzo (http://www.manzo.nl/)
0% / 0 votes
- Hotel et le Café de Paris (http://www.paris.nl/)
0% / 0 votes
- Mangu (http://www.restaurantmangu.nl/index.php)
0% / 0 votes
- Martins Brasserie (http://www.martinsbrasserie.nl/)
0% / 0 votes
- La Cubanita (www.lacubanita.nl/) New tapas rest. in v kingsbergenstraat
13% / 1 vote
-23 December
13% / 1 vote
-30 December
13% / 1 vote

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