Complete this sentence with the single best option that applies to you: "I am __________." (More at

7 votes
A crip
14% / 1 vote
0% / 0 votes
29% / 2 votes
14% / 1 vote
Differently able
14% / 1 vote
A person with a disability
14% / 1 vote
A person with special needs
0% / 0 votes
A person with health care needs
0% / 0 votes
A person with special health care needs
0% / 0 votes
A person who happens to have a disability
0% / 0 votes
Combos of the above
0% / 0 votes
Combos of the above depending on whom I'm around
0% / 0 votes
All of the above
0% / 0 votes
None of the above
14% / 1 vote
Stop asking
0% / 0 votes

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