I am a woman and get hit on in meetings all the time. by married and single men
I am a man and get hit on in meetings all the time. by married and single women
I go to meetings looking for a date
I go to meetings to avoid being lonely
I found my soul mate in a meeting
I left my soulmate the moment I met my next soulmate?
have you used the line "I need to leave you, you are affecting my sobriety to date the "next one?"
I'm married and it never stopped me? Since I am searching for my next soulmate?
I don't want to answer, since I am so spiritual now, sex is for mere mortals?
I hate sex, so I only have it with strangers?
I am too old to remember, I think I liked it
This is none of your business, besides my mistress/ mister is nicer than my spouse?
In the steps it is a not about that, its just about not drinking?
Have you ever asked "do you have HIV? , Do you have anything my spouse/partner may not want?
Do you watch others getting "sex" from meetings and tell someone "about them?"
Did someone tell you, no sex in your first year? only to find out they did?