Do you support or oppose Physician Assisted Suicide (Human Euthanasia) for terminally ill people? *PLEASE VOTE*

13 votes
Yes - Because the terminally ill have the right to end their suffering
54% / 7 votes
Yes - Because the person's pain will end, and their family will be at ease
8% / 1 vote
Yes - Because medical expenses won't be piling up any longer
0% / 0 votes
Maybe - I'm unsure
8% / 1 vote
Maybe - I'm not sure if it's humane or inhumane
8% / 1 vote
Maybe - It depends on what their quality of life will be
23% / 3 votes
No - Because nobody has the right to end their life, even if they're in pain
0% / 0 votes
No - Because their family members will suffer
0% / 0 votes
No - Because people in pain aren't always thinking straight
0% / 0 votes

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