What do you wish you could take back.....?

1 vote
Mouthing off to your Mom/Dad
100% / 1 vote
Hurting a friend
0% / 0 votes
Bullying family or friends
0% / 0 votes
Being an instigator
0% / 0 votes
Getting someone in trouble
0% / 0 votes
Not saying sorry or asking for forgiveness
0% / 0 votes
Not leaving a bad relationship sooner
0% / 0 votes
Not making it right
0% / 0 votes
Acting like a know it all
0% / 0 votes
Being lazy
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
Lost virginity
0% / 0 votes
Appearing desparate
0% / 0 votes
Holding a grudge
0% / 0 votes
Starting rumors
0% / 0 votes
Getting revenge
0% / 0 votes
Being sloppy
0% / 0 votes
Breaking plans without calling
0% / 0 votes
Getting into a physical fight
0% / 0 votes
Being a right fighter
0% / 0 votes
Not taking better care of yourself sooner
0% / 0 votes
Telling someone you love them to soon
0% / 0 votes
Not telling someone you love them at all
0% / 0 votes
All the above
0% / 0 votes

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