Trong Phineas and Ferb, các mem thấy ost nào hay nhất?

125 votes
Gitchi gitchi goo - Phineas and the Ferbettes
35% / 44 votes
Backyard Beach - Phineas and Ferb
6% / 8 votes
Squirrels in my pants - Street Rapper
10% / 12 votes
Busted - Vanessa ft. Candance
6% / 8 votes
My name is Doof (Hội ca :x) - Dr. Doof
17% / 21 votes
Evil Love - Doof ft. GF :x
8% / 10 votes
Yodel Odle Obey Me - Doof :">
2% / 3 votes
Mom it's your birthday - Candance
2% / 3 votes
Missing my nemesis - Perry :(
7% / 9 votes
Not so bad a dad after all - Vanessa
6% / 7 votes

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