Vote For The Best

50 votes
Power Puff girls - by Ram Charan
26% / 13 votes
Beware of d chargers they r coming 2 discharge u…- by Navin Shirkonda
10% / 5 votes
WIN,LOOSE,or TIE support chargers till we DIE! - by Dinesh Choudhary
36% / 18 votes
Y should boyz hav all d fun......even gulz also chargers - by Naveen Kittu
0% / 0 votes
Wen "D~E~C~C~A~N C~H~A~R~G~E~R~S" Come Together .. 'Victory' Is What we Celebrate !! Go Chargers Go ! ;) - by Mithil Agarwal
28% / 14 votes

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