Let's see which of these options in Andhra Pradesh statehood are most recomended by the people od AP on FB.

7 votes
Maintaining Status Quo - Keeping the Andhra Pradesh state as it is with no change in the Telangana, Seemandhra and coastal regions.
0% / 0 votes
Bifurcating the state of Andhra Pradesh into Seemandhra and Telengana regions with both of them developing their own capitals in due course of time. Hyderabad to be converted to a Union Territory - This proposal was similar to the Punjab-Haryana-Chandigar
14% / 1 vote
Dividing Andhra Pradesh into two states - One of Rayala-Telangana with Hyderabad as its capital and second one of the Coastal Andhra Pradesh
14% / 1 vote
Bifurcation of the State into Telangana and Seemandhrâ as per existing boundaries with Hyderabad as the capital of Telangana and Seemandhra to have a new capital.
0% / 0 votes
Keeping the State united and providing for creation of a statutorily empowered Telangana Regional Council for socio­-economic development and political development of Telangana region.
71% / 5 votes

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