Economies are influenced by different factors. Which of the following factors is the single most important for driving the Aruba"s economy? Please choose one factor which you consider the most important for the development and improvement of Aruba"s econo

11 votes
Entrepreneurship: Access to capital, time to start up a business, business incubation centers, financial incentives
27% / 3 votes
Innovation: Innovation readiness, R&D spending, market research, business intelligence, intellectual property registration
27% / 3 votes
Technology adoption: Investment in information/communication technology, adoption of green technology, business process automation
0% / 0 votes
Tourism development: Increase number of visitors, hotel room expansion, increase tourism marketing investments, tourism product diversification, tourism service enhancement
0% / 0 votes
Financial markets: Availability of financial services, venture capital, access to loans, financial flexibility
9% / 1 vote
Labor markets: Quality of labor, access to training opportunities, extent of professionalization, labor regulation, rigidity of employment, productivity-based wages, female labor participation
0% / 0 votes
Market efficiency: Local competition, effectiveness of anti-monopoly policy, extent and effect of tax system, burden of custom systems
0% / 0 votes
Education: Quality of education, access to schools, qualified teachers, access to higher education
9% / 1 vote
Business development: Service quality, product differentiation, marketing investments, human resource development
9% / 1 vote
Health care: Quality of health care services, costs of health care, business impact of employee illness, disease management
0% / 0 votes
Community development: Social wellness, urban renovation, social cohesion, safety, identity, minority policy, cultural integration
0% / 0 votes
Macro-economic environment: Inflation, government debt, government budget balance, country credit rating, total tax rate, unemployment
0% / 0 votes
Environment: Quality of natural environment, environmental conservation, environmental regulation, enforcement of environmental regulation
0% / 0 votes
Infrastructure: Quality of overall infrastructure, port infrastructure, technology infrastructure, infrastructure maintenance, infrastructure "greening"
0% / 0 votes
Governance: Quality of governance, ethics, judicial independence, integrity, transparent policy, government inefficiency, security, corporate governance
18% / 2 votes

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