Entrepreneurship: Access to capital, time to start up a business, business incubation centers, financial incentives
Innovation: Innovation readiness, R&D spending, market research, business intelligence, intellectual property registration
Technology adoption: Investment in information/communication technology, adoption of green technology, business process automation
Tourism development: Increase number of visitors, hotel room expansion, increase tourism marketing investments, tourism product diversification, tourism service enhancement
Financial markets: Availability of financial services, venture capital, access to loans, financial flexibility
Labor markets: Quality of labor, access to training opportunities, extent of professionalization, labor regulation, rigidity of employment, productivity-based wages, female labor participation
Market efficiency: Local competition, effectiveness of anti-monopoly policy, extent and effect of tax system, burden of custom systems
Education: Quality of education, access to schools, qualified teachers, access to higher education
Business development: Service quality, product differentiation, marketing investments, human resource development
Health care: Quality of health care services, costs of health care, business impact of employee illness, disease management
Community development: Social wellness, urban renovation, social cohesion, safety, identity, minority policy, cultural integration
Macro-economic environment: Inflation, government debt, government budget balance, country credit rating, total tax rate, unemployment
Environment: Quality of natural environment, environmental conservation, environmental regulation, enforcement of environmental regulation
Infrastructure: Quality of overall infrastructure, port infrastructure, technology infrastructure, infrastructure maintenance, infrastructure "greening"
Governance: Quality of governance, ethics, judicial independence, integrity, transparent policy, government inefficiency, security, corporate governance