Á Aurora Borealis, dragdrottning Íslands 2006, að gera comeback í Dragkeppni Íslands 2006? // Do you think Aurora Borealis, winner of the Icelandic Drag Competition 2006, should do a comeback in the drag competition 2012??

2 votes
Ó já! Það væri geðveikt! - Hell yeah! It would be awesome!
100% / 2 votes
Ugh Nei! Haltu þig heima, drusland þín! - Hell to the NO! Stay at home, bitch!
0% / 0 votes
Alveg sama! - Couldn't care less!
0% / 0 votes
Er hún enn á lífi?? - Is the bitch still alive??
0% / 0 votes

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