Which is your favourite episode?

32 votes
Ep1 - The Gamer《玩出火》
0% / 0 votes
Ep2 - MRT Ride《环岛追追追》
22% / 7 votes
Ep3 - Old Flame《妈妈的旧情人》
3% / 1 vote
Ep4 - The Carpark《乌龙失车记》
9% / 3 votes
Ep5 - The Flasher《脱光光·心慌慌》
6% / 2 votes
Ep6 - Boss' Dinner《现代鸿门宴》
9% / 3 votes
Ep7 - The Commercial 《老爸探班记》
0% / 0 votes
Ep8 - iQuit《烟烟一吸惹的祸》
6% / 2 votes
Ep9 - The Social Network《非死不可》
9% / 3 votes
Ep10 - Ah Gong《阿公驾到》
6% / 2 votes
Ep11 - MC King《谁是MC King?》
19% / 6 votes
Ep12- Pandemonium《美丽的假期》
3% / 1 vote
Ep13 - Game Show《小岛大赢家》Part 1
0% / 0 votes
Ep14 - Game Show《小岛大赢家》Part 2
6% / 2 votes

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