We have shared some awesome tech innovations with you so far now it's time for you to tell us which design/app you think is the coolest! If you don't remember which is which, just check our page; they're all here!

2 votes
Pebble E-Paper Watch for Android & iPhone
50% / 1 vote
GeocodedArt App that turns the world into an art museum
0% / 0 votes
Karma - App that taps into your social network and gives you gift ideas
0% / 0 votes
MIDIWriter App that converts your writing into musical notes
0% / 0 votes
ScanBox - Turns your smartphone into a portable scanner
50% / 1 vote
SketchSynth - Turns paper UI into touchscreen
0% / 0 votes
Hooper Selection - the better way to type on an iPad
0% / 0 votes
Smule The android app that turns voice input into songs
0% / 0 votes
123D App that turns pictures into 3D renderings
0% / 0 votes
The "Minority Report" User Interface
0% / 0 votes

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