When I have a really difficult relationship problem I .... (Choose the one that best represents your response most of the time)
I spend a lot of time analyzing how and why the problem came about so I understand it better.
I pray about it to get guidance from a higher power.
I plan how I can "get back" at the person who hurt me, but rarely do anything.
I seek out someone whom I think has dealt with this problem before to get their advice.
I talk about it with my closest friends so I can gain perspective... and a little sympathy too.
I get advice from a therapist, life coach or clergy person.
I think about the times the problem wasn't happening for clues about how to solve the situation.
I never talk about it with anyone. I just "push through".
I plan how I can "get back" at the person who hurt me, and I follow through!
I research online to understand the statistics and facts about these kids of problems.
I rarely have really difficult problems that get me really upset, so I don't know what I "typically" do.