1. Single parent home… Growing up without my dad in the picture for most of my life and being the oldest of 6 boys.
3. Poor - thrift stores, Goodwills, Wick, Food Stamps, Church Food,
4. Labeled Dyslexic in 2nd grade, special ed classes all 12 years of schooling.
5. Going underground and running from secret societies like the illuminati, staying in shelters for adduced women and there children, driving across country.
6. Attempted to commit suicide in my first year or two in high school.
7. Drugs and Alcohol party high school days
8.Robbing House's in last few years of high school.
9. A 3 year unhealthy extreme emotional painful relationship I had with my first love right out of high school.
10. I started in my early 20's trying to make money in MLM Network Marketing companies and never making much more then what I put into them.
11. Ended a 3 year marriage at the end of 2012