I enjoy the healthy, measured, and informative debates that invariably flow from arguments on the internet.
I am able to provide expert opinion on the topic at hand - I read not one, not two, but THREE relevant articles on The Blaze / Huffpo / CNN.
I love fostering a rich discourse to hear opposing arguments. My endless rebuttals and occasional ad hominems are just evidence of how sincerely I want to understand other points of view.
my super-effective political activism gives me enormous satisfaction - after all, Facebook is the ideal platform for promoting real change.
I enjoy spreading wisdom and enlightenment - which I would totally do a lot more often if my opponents didn't resolutely ignore my impeccable logic and fearfully cling to their ignorant beliefs.
cultivating deep and lasting bonds with my friends requires regularly referencing and reinforcing the overwhelmingly similar cultural and philosophical values that made our friendship possible in the first place, and are best expressed by contemporary political issues.
I would like to make a difference in the world, but I can't be arsed to put any effort into it.
I like feeling morally superior. There is no better way to stoke my ego.
although I recognize that Facebook is a terrible platform for discussing substantive matters such as oft-complex political issues, I need to kill time somehow.
I'm among the world's most successful trolls.