6 votes
1) Tawheed is to believe in the oneness of Allah. That He was not begotten nor does He gotten as offspring. To believe that He is existance itself and does not have a expiry date like the rest of us.That He has no partener whatsoever.
0% / 0 votes
2) its difficult to shorten in 2-3 lines but i would have asked a rhetoric question that gives the idea of Tawheed." would u like a robort created by u to follow others commands? Surely u won't. How then we associate partners with the one n only one creator and sustainer of the worlds?"
17% / 1 vote
3) Chapter number 111 from the Quran named Ikhlas (Sincerity) forms the fundamentals of theology.Allah is ONE and ONLY. ALL the creations are dependent on Him, He does not depend on anyone. He does not have children nor is He a child of anyone. and there is NO co-equal to Him.This is the uniqueness and oneness of Allah, the Master of the worlds..
50% / 3 votes
4) I would start by saying " Say He is The One and Only Who neither Begetts Nor Begotten an None is like Him"
0% / 0 votes
5) Allah is the sole creator of the heavens and the earth and all that exists between them. Everything that happens , happens by his will. Therefore he Alone deserves to be worshipped. We only attribute to him all that he has told us about himself. And we do not give his attributes to anyone else. Nor do we compare him with his creation.
17% / 1 vote
6) Tawheed is believing that Allah is one with no partner in his lordship,divinity and attribute.to support my answer quoting surah ikhlas say He is allah one, he whom all depend,he beget nor he begotten and non is like him.verse 1 to 4
17% / 1 vote
7) Tawheed is a concept that stands for the worshipping of One God. that is Allah
0% / 0 votes
8) It means worshipping none other than Allah. Thats monotheism.
0% / 0 votes
9) It is the belief that Allah is One without a partner
0% / 0 votes
10) It is the affirmation of the existense of only diety worthy of worship and Him alone.
0% / 0 votes
11) Tawheed is divided into three : a)Maintaining that Allah is the creator sustainer and the LORD of the worlds. b)Worship Him alone and direct all acts of worship to Him and for Him alone. c) Accept and attribute Him with the names and attributes He has attributed to himself without explaining them away.
0% / 0 votes
12) God is alone and has no son no father and no mother
0% / 0 votes
13) It's so simple,it is the shahad and clearly says there is no deity/being worthy of worship except Alllah,It's stated therein the 10 commmandments given to Moses in The Bibble.
0% / 0 votes
14) I will defined wat is tawheed.that it is to belive in ALLAH holly & solly in him.
0% / 0 votes

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