What would you do from Jan-Jul 2014 if you were me?

3 votes
[Stay in Clarksville], make the apartment look really nice, then leave it for good in June as a nice surprise for Mike to enjoy when he returns in September
0% / 0 votes
[Cayman Fund Admin] Try to find temporary fund admin work opportunities in the Cayman Islands, not because I like the work or want to stay in the industry, but because it's the Carribbean and then I can jump in the warm waves every damn day on my lunch break
67% / 2 votes
[FT Work/ PT School next year] Ask companies I read cool things about if they want to hire me into a dream role and pay for school so that I can become qualified for it as I go
0% / 0 votes
[Live Abroad] Because I personally know other people who have successfully done it and come back cooler, happier, wiser, and more confident, Go to another country and find any unrelated work I can find, just for the experience of living abroad for a while
0% / 0 votes
[Volunteer Abroad] Become a full time volunteer abroad, because paying for room and board anywhere else is cheaper than the US, and I can't commit to a 1 or 2 year program in the states that will pay for those basics
0% / 0 votes
[WOOF around Europe] because then I wouldn't get fat on my vacation and also I would probably get to eat lots of tasty farm products for free and learn homesteading for retirement
0% / 0 votes
[Cash in savings and travel] without feeling like I need to put down roots anywhere or have a reason to go such as paid or volunteer work
33% / 1 vote
[Move to Austin] and wait for school to start and gain an appreciation of the place independent of every reason I have to be there
0% / 0 votes
[Abandon grad school, Move to Anchorage, start bootstrapping business plans, and hope for the best in life]
0% / 0 votes

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