Strongly disagree(1) Strongly Agree(5)
1.I tend to be disorganized
3.I generate a lot of Enthusiasm
4.I have an assertive personality
5.I am outgoing and Sociable
6.I am sometimes shy and inhibited
7.I have an unassertive personality
Please circle or check one regarding your travel habits:
Not very often Somewhat Often regularly Always
9How often do you travel? 1 2 3 4
10. Do you enjoy traveling? 1 2 3 4
11. Why do you like to travel?
_____Leisure _____Family ____Adventure _____School _____Other:_________
12. How do you pay for a trip?
____On your own ____Parents ____Loan ____Contest ____Other:_______
13. On a typical trip how much do you tend to spend?
____ Under $100 ____$100 – $200 ____$201 – $300 ____$301 – $400 ____$401 and $500 ____$500 and up
14. How much in time in advance do you plan your trip?
___2 weeks ___1 month ___3 Months ____6 Months _____12+ months
15. Please Rank in order your preferred method of travel. (1 – is the most popular, 4 – is the least)
____Car ____Plane ____Train ____Cruise
16. Please rank the top 3 sources of information you choose to use when traveling. (1 – is the most, 3 is the least)
___ Word of Mouth ___Social Media ___Travel Brochures ____School Sponsored
____Family ____Time- Share
17. What are the main reasons you choose to travel? (Check under where it applies)
Visiting Family and friends