What Should Our Fundraisers Be?

13 votes
Partner with a restaurant: This event would include contacting a restaurant (ex:Maggie Moos) and working for them for the evening. Each restaurant works this a little differently. Some donate a certain percentage of all profits. Some let us keep all tips. It all depends on the restaurant.
31% / 4 votes
Partner with the Mallards: Habitat would help by directing parking (and then we would get a portion of the game day parking fees) or we might work the concessions. Mallards will be getting back to us soon about the specifics of what our duties will be!
31% / 4 votes
Weekend Taxi: This would include 5-6 habitat members volunteering as drivers. Individuals who would want a "taxi" ride down town would pay $4 and have a safe ride for the night! The drivers who volunteer would get a $10 gas card that could be donated by local gas stations.
0% / 0 votes
Pancake Dinner: This event would simply be us making pancakes for our fellow wonderful students of SAU one night. We could charge per plate or per pancake.
0% / 0 votes
Spaghetti Dinner: This is the event we have done in the past. We would again contact businesses to supply us with donations for a Italian dinner! Tickets would be sold and the guest would come for a dinner in the Rogo Ballroom. Students would be able to use there meal plan account. This was a lot of work in the past but a very well liked event!
0% / 0 votes
Casino Night: This event would include lots of games! We could have different poker tournaments and the profits would go to SAU Habitat. We would have to be careful how we portray this on campus as gambling is not allowed. We might be able to charge one fee to get a set number of poker chips (everyone pays $5.00 to get into the "casino" and everyone gets the same amount of poker chips). and then the individual with the most at the end (who won the most playing the games) would get a price... not money... as you can see we would have to work out the specifics but it could be an awesome event!
15% / 2 votes
Eating Contest during Siblings weekend: Participants would pay a price to verse there siblings or friends in an eating contest (donuts, hotdogs, pizza, etc.)
0% / 0 votes
50/50 Tickets at a sporting event: We would sell 50/50 tickets at a SAU sporting event.
0% / 0 votes
Flamingo Flocking: Purchase 10-30 pink plastic flamingos (lawn decorations). Pick 10 yards in your community to be the lucky recipients. Attach cards to the flamingoes' necks with a phone number along with all the pertinent information regarding your group. State that for a $10 (or some price) donation, the flamingos will be removed but for $15 (or some price) they will be moved to the lawn of their choice. Make sure you also place a sign that has a contact name and phone number among the flamingos for those who drive by and would like to have the flamingos placed in a friends yard.
0% / 0 votes
A Loving Home: This activity would be like sending valentines to friends and family. Individuals could purchase a part of a house (ex: a door knob ($3), a door ($20), a light bulb ($2), etc. these are total estimates of prices) and then they could send the valentine to someone. So it would be a cute little card something like this... (we could think of fun mushy Cliché valentine saying or poems to put in the cards too!!!)
23% / 3 votes

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